Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Sht 07 2022 02:20

Exclusive apartment of 160m2 with luxury interior


/ muaj
Publikuar: Sht 07 02:20
Shikime: 1
The apartment is on a 4th floоr in a seven-level building close to Ministry of internal affairs (five minutes walking distance from the main City Square)
It uses two entrances – main one leads into the living salon, the other one is for the intimate segment with 3 bedrooms and two comfort bathrooms (the larger one is Jacuzzi-type).
Complex project of interior design is applied:
- installation of special lightening in the function of the entire concept:
- patient selection of unique furniture ( combinations of leather and wood, glass and dark metal), paying attention to cover wide range of modern, but not aggressive tastes ;
- complex kitchen with widest range of appliances and separated segments for keeping food and beverages;
- bеdrooms with divided closets, and direct approach to the bathrooms;
- installed individual system of floor heating, beside the existing central heating .

The apartment owns an underground garage comfortable for parking of two vehicles. It has a direct approach by the elevator from the lobby of the apartment’s house-store

Contact person = 075228550, Jovan

Ексклузивно конципиран стан 160м2 со ултра-луксузен ентериер

Станот е позициониран во релативно нов станбен објект во близина на МВР, на 4 кат.
Од хаусторот на катот , спроти лифтот, станот има можност да користи две влезни врати.
Едната води во главниот, салонски дневен простор, а другата во издвоениот интимен сегмент со 3 спални и две комотни бањи.
Применет е комплексен проект на внатрешно уредување :
- почнувајќи со инсталација на посебни светлосни ефекти во функција на целосниот концепт,
- посебен избор на уникатен намештај : салонска и трпезариска гарнитура, обемна кујна со издвоени сегменти за чување храна,
- спални соби кои користат посебни пространи гардеробери (клоусет-простори), со директни пристапи до тоалетите (бањите, од кои најголемата е џакузи тип),
- можност за користење на сопствен систем на целосно подно греење и покрај постоечкото централно греење.
Станот располага со сопствена конфорна гаража за две возила. Гаражниот простор е од подземен тип до кој се пристапува со лифтот директно.
Контакт = 075228550, Јован
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Dom Lux Real Estate

Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.

When you choose Dom Lux Real Estate Agency, you are dealing with an experienced professionals who understand your concerns and will provide you with personal service that makes all the difference.

Advertised properties on our web page cover only a small part of our offer. We have a large data base of luxurious residential properties, as well commercial properties.

We offer you our services and we are convinced that we can help you to achieve success. Throughout the tenancy period we look after both the landlord and tenant. We strongly believe in Customer Service and put a strong emphasis on it, which is why our customers keep coming back.

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Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.

When you choose Dom Lux Real Estate Agency, you are dealing with an experienced professionals who understand your concerns and will provide you with personal service that makes all the difference.

Advertised properties on our web page cover only a small part of our offer. We have a large data base of luxurious residential properties, as well commercial properties.

We offer you our services and we are convinced that we can help you to achieve success. Throughout the tenancy period we look after both the landlord and tenant. We strongly believe in Customer Service and put a strong emphasis on it, which is why our customers keep coming back.

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