Company ad Published: Jun 10 2017 10:13

Citroen C4 1.6 HDI 109ks 06 KAKO NOV


Published: Jun 10 10:13
Views: 16
Citroen c4 1.6 HDI 109ks kako nov 2006 godina vo soobrakjajna ,registriran do 17.05.2018,skros novi gumi 17ki i servis pred 500km.FULL OPREMA :
Kozhen Volan so opcii
Vgradeno radio so opcii
Bord Kompjuter
Parking senzori
17ki VTS Bandazhi
50% temni stakla
Potpirach za raka
i mn drugo.
Moze zamena za zamena cenata e povisoka za kesh 4000evra.
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