Published: May 06 2015 07:01

MERCEDES C 200 -02


Published: May 06 07:01
Views: 66
Kolata e vo odlicna sostojba, ELEGANCE oprema
- 2000 cm3, 163 KS
- Xenon fabricki farovi
- Fabricki plinski ured
- Navigacija
- CD/DVD/MP3, Parking kamera, iPhone i tel konekcija, USB, Android aplikacii Dynavin DVN-MC2000 CD/DVD/Navigation/Bluetooth/USB/iPod со iGo навигация( Praveno e za Mercedes
- Pojacalo za sub woofer, sub woofer vgraden.
- Kompleten servis (maslo, filtri, plocki) pred 1000 km
- Aluminiumski bandazi MERCEDES D 27 7,5x16
- Cenata e bez carina. Carina i danok okolu 900 EUR
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