Published: Jun 12 2022 12:42

Se prodava


Published: Jun 12 12:42
Views: 58
Se prodava Opel Astra H 1.7 cdti 74kw 101ks 2005 god.
Redovno servisirana, smenet cel set LUK korpa, lamela, zamaec I druk lager pred 5.000km.
Novi diskovi so plocki....
-Bord kompjuter
-Centralno zaklucuvanje
-Original radio mp3
-Gumi zimski tigar wintera + celicni bandazi
-Gumi letni -kleber
-Registrirana do April 2023 god.
*Mnogu mala potrosuvacka
*Bez dopolnitelni vlozuvanja
Dragan 078/399-917 Tetovo
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