Published: Apr 22 2017 12:08

VW Golf 1.4 plin NEUVEZEN


Published: Apr 22 12:08
Views: 20
Prodavam Golf 5 1.4ccm, 75 ks, so TRENDLINE oprema:
- klimatronik
- kožen volan,kožen menjač
- "Alpine" radio so mp3, usb priklučok, kabinsko zborenje preku bluetooth
- novi zimski gumi SAVA
- atestiran plin
- klima folii (napred i nazad), atestirani
Napraven golem servis pred 4000 km (kaisi, zategaci, vodna pumpa, ulje, filtri, diskovi, plocki).

Registrirana do 09.2017 so zelen karton.

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