Published: May 12 2019 05:37

VW Golf V 2.0 tdi Comfortline

Published: May 12 05:37
Views: 28
Golf V 2.0 tdi comfortline 2004 God.. oprema..
Climatronik..Tempomat..Esp..senzor na svetlla..senzor za dozd...senzor na retrovizor..grejaci na retrovizori...maglenki...centrallna brava...fabricni zatemneti zadni staklla...15 alu fellgi so dobri gumi so reallni 213xxx km pominati so servisna knishka moze proverka kaj sakate donesen od 🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭🇨🇭 sega platena carina
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