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What’s better – to buy or to rent?

What’s better – to buy or to rent?

To buy or rent – it is not a simple decision! With this post we would like to help you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of buying versus renting.

  1. Owning a house or an apartment is and excellent investment and an opportunity for a continuous money income. For the Americans owning a house is the main source of wealth.

  2. Renting provides bigger flexibility. It is much easier to move if some unexpected event happens, you need to move to another town or something else.

  3. Owning an apartment or a house gives you the feeling of stability and security.

  4. The price of rent continuously varies, and the owners sometimes change the price during your stay.

  5. Having your own home, apartment or a house brings a lot of responsibility and maintenance costs.

  6. Buying and apartment or a house has high initial costs.

  7. Renting, on a long term is considered a bad investment because you have constant monthly costs, and no source of income or an opportunity for future earnings.

  8. There are many opportunities that make the process of buying new home much easier. For example there are home loans and institutions that provide favourable interest rates for buying an apartment or a house.


The interest for real estate is really big! Оn only, at this moment, there is an incredible number of 79.904 apartments, and 14.808 houses/villas for rent/buy. Of them, 69.695 apartments и 8.187 куќи/вили are situated in Skopje. When deciding whether to buy or rent you would have to think about the location, as a crucial factor that at a big scale influences the price of renting or buying a house or an apartment.


Buying and renting have advantages and disadvantages on its own.

At the end, everything depends on your personal desires and possibilities. However, big decision like that requires a lot of research for the best offers.

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