Company ad Published: Sep 03 2020 09:39


Published: Sep 03 09:39
Views: 29
Code 24644
The offered apartment ( 70 m2) consists of three (3) rooms , two (2) WC and bathroom, as you can see on the images. The apartment is optimal combination arranged according to the Feng Shui tradition as well postmodern Nordic style. Among other things, this assumes that wardrobes for clothes wearning outside and other things should be kept in a hallway, not in bedrooms. Otherwise, postmodern, Nordic style prevail in the flat.
The building where the apartment is located is a new one. No one has lived in this apartment before you. Furniture and all other technical devices are completely new.
The building where the apartment is located has been declared as the highest quality building in Skopje. It means the highest quality facade, with the best thermal insulation, waterproofing, the highest quality materials for the floor, doors, windows etc.. There is also an underground garageopening with remote control.
The apartment is located in the most urban part of Skopje (Karpos 1). It is not in the center where is always a big traffic jam, but nevertheless nearby the center. You can reach the center by foot in 5-6 minutes, and by car in 2-3 minutes. The apartment is on the 5th floor. According to science it is the ideal height for avoiding dust and noise (although in this part of the city they are at their lowest level). Also, on this height you can avoid the disadvantages which appear from the highest heights.
There are several fancy nightclubs on 100 meters from the building. The City Park is across the street as well Vardar quay with a trim trail. In the immediate vicinity is the famous "Boem`s street" where you may find many traditional restaurants with traditional music. Nearby is Central Stadium, the biggest hall ARENA " Boris Trajkovski" and the biggest conference room in the city at hotel "Aleksandar Palace"

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АСТОРИЈА Недвижности е една од првите агенции за недвижности во Република Северна Македонија, која посредува при купопродажба и изнајмување на висококвалитетен недвижен имот уште од далечната 1994 година.
АСТОРИЈА ви нуди широк спектар на недвижности за купопродажба и изнајмување од врвен квалитет, со разновидна квадратура, на различни локации во Скопје. 
Нашите агенти за недвижности и експерти од областа на прометот со недвижности, ќе ви помогнат да најдете имот кој ќе биде соодветен за вашите потреби, ќе одговара на вашиот буџет и ќе го надополнува вашиот животен стил.
Ви благодариме на довербата. 
АСТОРИЈА Недвижности

ASTORIA Real Estate Agency is one of the first real estate agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the business of sale and rental of high quality real estate properties, since 1994.
ASTORIA offers a wide range of real estate properties, for sale and rent, with top quality, various sizes, in different locations in Skopje. 
Our real estate agents and real estate experts will help you find a property that suits your needs, fits your budget and complements your life style.
Thank you for your trust.
ASTORIA Real Estate Agency
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АСТОРИЈА Недвижности е една од првите агенции за недвижности во Република Северна Македонија, која посредува при купопродажба и изнајмување на висококвалитетен недвижен имот уште од далечната 1994 година.
АСТОРИЈА ви нуди широк спектар на недвижности за купопродажба и изнајмување од врвен квалитет, со разновидна квадратура, на различни локации во Скопје. 
Нашите агенти за недвижности и експерти од областа на прометот со недвижности, ќе ви помогнат да најдете имот кој ќе биде соодветен за вашите потреби, ќе одговара на вашиот буџет и ќе го надополнува вашиот животен стил.
Ви благодариме на довербата. 
АСТОРИЈА Недвижности

ASTORIA Real Estate Agency is one of the first real estate agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the business of sale and rental of high quality real estate properties, since 1994.
ASTORIA offers a wide range of real estate properties, for sale and rent, with top quality, various sizes, in different locations in Skopje. 
Our real estate agents and real estate experts will help you find a property that suits your needs, fits your budget and complements your life style.
Thank you for your trust.
ASTORIA Real Estate Agency

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