Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Qer 30 2021 09:16

Motokultivator 4.4kw

Publikuar: Qer 30 09:16
Shikime: 40

Garancija godinu dana

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Haxhijaha Shpk

Company Haxhijaha Sh.P.K. was established in 1989 and is the first company and leader in the domestic market for import and export of agricultural machinery and equipment of all profiles. At our place you can find all types of agricultural equipment for small, medium and large farmers. It can be noted that our company is more completed in the local and International  market in terms of agricultural equipment and mechanisms as we also offer spare parts and for these equipment. We are constantly expanding the range of these type of products and claim to be as close as possible to our clientele and offer the highest quality products, in fact we aim to be a "one stop shop" for our clientele in order to save their valuable time.
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Dërgesa me “Ecologistic”: nga MKD
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Company Haxhijaha Sh.P.K. was established in 1989 and is the first company and leader in the domestic market for import and export of agricultural machinery and equipment of all profiles. At our place you can find all types of agricultural equipment for small, medium and large farmers. It can be noted that our company is more completed in the local and International  market in terms of agricultural equipment and mechanisms as we also offer spare parts and for these equipment. We are constantly expanding the range of these type of products and claim to be as close as possible to our clientele and offer the highest quality products, in fact we aim to be a "one stop shop" for our clientele in order to save their valuable time.
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Dërgesa me “Ecologistic”: nga 210 MKD

Siguro dërgesën me ELS

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