Publikuar: Mar 06 2019 07:51

Bitumen Decanting Machine for sale


Publikuar: Mar 06 07:51
Shikime: 22

Prominent & Leading Manufacturer from Mehsana, we offer drummed bitumen decanting unit and bitumen drum decanter melting unit.
Drummed bitumen decanting machine by Atlas is a continuous type machine for melting of bitumen that comes in drums.
Many times it is not possible to get liquid bitumen at construction sites and it becomes difficult to regularly source liquid bitumen. This equipment will
come handly when you want to melt bitumen that comes in drums and also intend to store the same for use in future.

Additional Information:
Item Code: ACM
Port of Dispatch: Any Indian port
Production Capacity: 3-4 units per month
Delivery Time: 20-30 days
Packaging Details: Containers / trailer
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