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Car DVD PLAYER With GPS Suits For KIA Ceed 2010 2011 2012 For KIA Venga 2010-2016 Octa core 1.5 Ghz 4GB RAM / 64 GB ROM Amplifier IC 7851 Tuner IC TDA 6866 Support 3G/4G USB host and WiFi hotspot GPS offline/online navigation IPS scren 1280P video, 1024/600 resolution Bluetooth 4.0 Rear view camera with recording option Plenty of cables & connectors GPS antenna and installation tools
Набавен за Kia Cee'd 2007 но за жал не одговара по димензии и се продава по набавна цена. Заинтересирани да пратат контакт по е-маил
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