Publikuar: Jan 10 2017 01:54

Photo Editor Video Editor Translator

Publikuar: Jan 10 01:54
Shikime: 50
Photo Editor, Video Editor, General Editor and Copy Taster (verification of the source of the material)

Show your photo and video editing skills and contact us. We have open positions for everyone from professionals with long-term experience to beginners who want to learn. Send your portfolio and CV.


​The following are jobs that require the stated language and English, as you'd have to translate from one to the other, but at the same time give your own creative twist to the stories:
- Russian fluent or C2 level
- Greek fluent or C2 level
- Latvian fluent or C2 level
- Lithuanian fluent or C2 level
- Estonian fluent or C2 level
- Hungarian fluent or C2 level
- German fluent or C2 level
- Italian fluent or C2 level
- Spanish fluent or C2 level

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