Publikuar: Gush 06 2016 09:22

Odelo za nurkanje 5,5mm


Publikuar: Gush 06 09:22
Shikime: 77
Одело за нуркање ( 5,5мм )

Mares Instinct Camo Brown ( Size 4 - L )
Gloves Camo 30 Size M
Socks Camo 30 Size M

Preformed technical wetsuit for spearfishing. Internal open-cell neoprene with special outer camouflage covering that scrambles the image. Different from standard camouflage, Mares camouflage is printed on a colored lining for surprising results, thanks to shades that make it easier to sneak up on your prey. The neoprene used is among the softest available, with good resistance to flattening, excellent comfort, and good heat retention characterize this wetsuit.
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