Publikuar: Pri 28 2020 06:08



Publikuar: Pri 28 06:08
Shikime: 33
GOCLEVER KIDDY GPS WATCH koristen samo ednas, pod garancija uste 1 godina.

*GPS location - for determining the position if the child is lost

*GSM communication - SIM card port

*The function of safe places on the map after leaving which I give birth to receive notification

*Large, colorful touch screen

*The ability to make emergency calls

*Built-in camera

*Audio recording and photo taking after using the SOS button

*SOS button - so that your child can immediately call for help when the need arises

*15 numbers added to the phone book

*As many as 4 device location systems for best speed and accuracy: GPS + BDS + AGPS + LBS

*Latest smartphone application for ANDROID and iOS platforms
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