Publikuar: Qer 07 2020 03:46

Guest House EXH

Publikuar: Qer 07 03:46
Shikime: 1
Ofrojme apartament me qera vetem per muajt e pushimeve . Apartamenti permban dhome gjumi matrimoniale, dhome gjumi per femije me dy krevate dhe sallon I mobiluar.
Mobilimi eshte ne menyre moderne dhe ka te gjitha elektroshtepiaket (Televizor,frigorifer, lavatrice , kuzhine e plotesuar, kondicioner )
Ndodhemi ne nje nga zonat me te frekuentuara ne Vlore , buze Lungomares tek ish Shkolla e Marines. Apartamentet ndodhen ne nje kompleks pallatesh.Parkim i garantuar.
Cmimi i diskutueshem.

We offer apartment for rent. The apartment contains matrimonial bedroom, bedroom for two children and furnished living room. The furniture is modern and has all electrical appliances (TV, fridge, washing machine, fully equipped kitchen, air conditioner) We are in one of the most frequented areas in Vlora, Lungomares edge at the former Maritime School. The apartments are located in a residential complex. Guaranteed parking.
Thank you.
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