Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Qer 20 2019 01:31

Nice house for rent in Zhdanec


/ muaj
Publikuar: Qer 20 01:31
Shikime: 2
Code 24264
An offer for a house located in Zhdanec, an area that is mainly inhabited by the expat community which could be used for residential or business needs. With 377 sq.m internal area the house is laid out on 3 floors and a basement area that has an exit towards the backyard. The house on the ground floor consists of an open type living and dining area, a separate kitchen, a bathroom, a utility room and 1 balcony with west orientation. The first floor consists of 3 bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and built-in wardrobes, a kitchenette and a common area that could be used multifunctional depending on the needs of the tenant. The second floor is an apartment unit that could be used as a guest house with a separate entrance and it consists of a living and dining area, a kitchen, a bedroom, a bathroom and a balcony with a view of the city. The basement area has 2 separate entrances and consists of a utility and washing room, a bathroom, a kitchen and a garage space area. The basement area exits towards the backyard that has a summer house with a BBQ area which would be great for friend and family gatherings. The heating is regulated through a central heating system based on electricity while the cooling is regulated with A/C units. There are 3-4 available parking spots on the premises as well as 2-3 spots in front of the house.
Price 1800 euros
Real Estate Astoria
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АСТОРИЈА Недвижности е една од првите агенции за недвижности во Република Северна Македонија, која посредува при купопродажба и изнајмување на висококвалитетен недвижен имот уште од далечната 1994 година.
АСТОРИЈА ви нуди широк спектар на недвижности за купопродажба и изнајмување од врвен квалитет, со разновидна квадратура, на различни локации во Скопје. 
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АСТОРИЈА Недвижности

ASTORIA Real Estate Agency is one of the first real estate agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the business of sale and rental of high quality real estate properties, since 1994.
ASTORIA offers a wide range of real estate properties, for sale and rent, with top quality, various sizes, in different locations in Skopje. 
Our real estate agents and real estate experts will help you find a property that suits your needs, fits your budget and complements your life style.
Thank you for your trust.
ASTORIA Real Estate Agency
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АСТОРИЈА Недвижности е една од првите агенции за недвижности во Република Северна Македонија, која посредува при купопродажба и изнајмување на висококвалитетен недвижен имот уште од далечната 1994 година.
АСТОРИЈА ви нуди широк спектар на недвижности за купопродажба и изнајмување од врвен квалитет, со разновидна квадратура, на различни локации во Скопје. 
Нашите агенти за недвижности и експерти од областа на прометот со недвижности, ќе ви помогнат да најдете имот кој ќе биде соодветен за вашите потреби, ќе одговара на вашиот буџет и ќе го надополнува вашиот животен стил.
Ви благодариме на довербата. 
АСТОРИЈА Недвижности

ASTORIA Real Estate Agency is one of the first real estate agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia, in the business of sale and rental of high quality real estate properties, since 1994.
ASTORIA offers a wide range of real estate properties, for sale and rent, with top quality, various sizes, in different locations in Skopje. 
Our real estate agents and real estate experts will help you find a property that suits your needs, fits your budget and complements your life style.
Thank you for your trust.
ASTORIA Real Estate Agency

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