Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Qer 17 2024 09:27

First Class Workspace

Publikuar: Qer 17 09:27
Shikime: 4
Code: 79144
Location: Karposh, Skopje.
Modern designed office building for rent with 1300 m2 area spread on 4 levels with open floorplates, balconies and terraces to every level. Each floor-325 m2 is fully furnished tech space fit for collaboration. The Floors are equipped with reception, conference rooms, office rooms, game room, production rooms, elevator.
The building has separate server room and machine room, is provided with alarm system with controls for every floor and room, central city heating, generator that operates completely independently of the grid.
PRICE: __ EUR monthly + VAT
Contact: 078/431-071; 02 3084 030
e-mail: [email protected]
web site:
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