Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Maj 16 2019 03:18

Izdavame namesteni kancelarii vo Centar


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Publikuar: Maj 16 03:18
Shikime: 1

Izdavame namesteni kancelarii vo Centar so povrsina od 48m2 na 2ri kat,prostorot poseduva dve kancelarii,cajna kujna,toalet.

Cena: 250 EUR
Përshkrimi i linkut

Dom Lux Real Estate

Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.
Vizitoni faqen e dyqanit tonë

Partizanski odredi 17/2-6


nëse ky njoftim prish Rregullat e Publikimit ose Shkëmbim i sigurtë


Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.
Partizanski odredi 17/2-6 070378932

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