Publikuar: Pri 19 2022 03:42

Se izdava opremen stan vo Centar


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Publikuar: Pri 19 03:42
Shikime: 63
Fully furnished 2 room apartment (50m2) for rent in the city center. Positioned at 5 min walk from the international rail/bus station and at 15 minutes to the city square. Equipped with 42-inch TV, air conditioner, wash and dry machine, kitchen, cable TV, WiFi, central heating, 4m2 balcony and parking lot at 3 th floor. Near cafe and lunch bar (Red and Get Café), gym, local shop, bakery and river side where you can relax and run. Its position assures easy entrance in the city center and the motorway.

Se izdava opremen stan na 5 min od Zeleznicka stanica i na 15 min pesacenje do gradski plostad.(ul.Vladimir Komarov 1, kaj Red/Get kafe). Stanot e opremen so 42 incno tv-LG, klima, garnitura Simpo,spalna Zona mebel,garnitura za terasa, masina za perenje i susenje obleka -Ariston,mikro,kujna,kablovska,internet,wifi. Na 3 ti kat, lift, centralno parno,balkon 4m2 i obezbeden parking prostor.
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