Publikuar: Korr 02 2018 11:46

Sopstvenik owner offers app Kapistec four rooms


/ muaj
Publikuar: Korr 02 11:46
Shikime: 19
I'm renting my apartment located in Skopje in Centar - Kapistec area.(high flat 13th -excellent View of Mountains(Sk.crna gora)
(please dont send me mail phone me)
The apartment program is:

- Entree area
- Living room + terrace + lunch area
- Big Bed room + terrace
- 2 Normal size bedrooms
- 2 Toilets
- Kitchen + utility room
-central heating
- Internet and cabel TV (new smart TV)
(The apartment is last year renovated )
possibility for 6 adults to sleep
Price = 430 EU / Monthly + charges
Total = 96m2
Available from 09.07.2018
agencii moze da mi se javite na tel. no zabraneto vi e da go nudite preku oglasuvac
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