Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Mar 09 2023 03:12

Se iznajmuva moderna kuka od 320m2 vo Dolno Nerezi


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Publikuar: Mar 09 03:12
Shikime: 51
ID 3717
Modern house for rent on west слопе of Vodno

Modern newly built house in Dolno Nerezi Settlement, at the west Vodno downhill area.
Quiet, isolated property, out of traffic frequency and busy streets, with own independent approach.
The concept of the house is 3 levels (one apartment on each floor with surface of 100m2 ) with separated entrances, as well as a basement level of 75m2 which consists of wide garage for 3 vehicles.

- First level is a living area of open space with wall height of 5meters. This is алсо suitable for various business /professional activities, with possibility for simple redesign of the space by placing partitions according to the additional client’s requirements.
Within this level there is a comfort bathroom, sauna-room and a room for the heating equipment and command.
The first and a second floor are apartments consisting of living rooms with new kitchen facilities, bathrooms and three (two) bedrooms.

The entire house is conceptualized with application of highest standards in architecture and interior design, heating, electrical and electronic installation:
- High-voltage cables, connectivity for various electronic equipment, lightening and digital (touch-on) switches in each rooms;
- Two high-capacity thermal pumps;
- Floor heating provided in every room of the house; including floor-inverters for cooling /additional heating, provided with pilot, #smart# control management of the entire system;
- Security video and alarm system ;
- Doorknobs on the flat-entrance doors provided with security digital lock/opening system.

Contact = 075228550, Lozanovski Jovan

Новоизградена куќа со вкупна корисна површина од 320м2.
Лоцирана е во реонот на Долно Нерези, на независен терен изолиран од фреквентни улици, со сопствен директен пристап до парцелата.
Изградена на кос терен, на три нивоа – приземје и два ката, секое од по околу 100м2;
– и под-ниво од 75м2 гаражен простор за 3 возила со две врати на вертикален лизгажни погон.
Приземното ниво е салонски отворен простор со вонстандардна висина на ѕидови од 5 метри.
Предвидено е и за можни активности од професионален карактер, со можност за едноставно редизајнирање на просторот со преградување, согласно дополнителни барања и потреби на корисникот.
Во склоп на овој простор постои бања, просторија за сауна, како и соба во која е сместен системот за греење на објектот.
Првиот и вториот кат се станови за домување кои се состојат од дневен салон со нововградени кујни, целосно опремени бањи и со по две спални соби.

Конципирана е со примена на највисоки стандарди во архитектурата и внатрешното уредување, топлотната, електричната и електронска инсталација :
- кабли за високонапонско напојување, инсталација за поврзување на секакви информатички уреди, осветлување и прекинувачи со контрола на допир во сите соби,

- Две термални пумпи,

- Подно греење во сите простории и фенхојлери за ладење и дополнително загревање, со далечинска “паметна“ контрола за управување со целиот систем

- Сигурносен систем со камери и сензорно обезбедување во и околу целиот објект и парцелата.
- Кваки со сигурносни дигитални брави на секоја влезна врата во становите.

Контакт = 075228550, Лозановски јован
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Dom Lux Real Estate

Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.

When you choose Dom Lux Real Estate Agency, you are dealing with an experienced professionals who understand your concerns and will provide you with personal service that makes all the difference.

Advertised properties on our web page cover only a small part of our offer. We have a large data base of luxurious residential properties, as well commercial properties.

We offer you our services and we are convinced that we can help you to achieve success. Throughout the tenancy period we look after both the landlord and tenant. We strongly believe in Customer Service and put a strong emphasis on it, which is why our customers keep coming back.

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Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.

When you choose Dom Lux Real Estate Agency, you are dealing with an experienced professionals who understand your concerns and will provide you with personal service that makes all the difference.

Advertised properties on our web page cover only a small part of our offer. We have a large data base of luxurious residential properties, as well commercial properties.

We offer you our services and we are convinced that we can help you to achieve success. Throughout the tenancy period we look after both the landlord and tenant. We strongly believe in Customer Service and put a strong emphasis on it, which is why our customers keep coming back.

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