Објавени: јун. 15 2018 03:26

Se nudi rabota

Објавени: јун. 15 03:26
Прегледи: 27
Internship Summary

Join Ecomwise B.V as an intern and learn about e-commerce and web development by participating into Magento related projects!

-Help around development and testing
-Help around documentation of project's issues
-Solve lower profile issues from an actual client
-Participate into research and training sessions about web development

Key Qualifications:
-Knowledge of object-oriented programming
-Unformal experience of coding in PHP and MySQL
-Understanding of HTML and CSS
-Must be able to brainstorm and communicate technology ideas and issues with peers,developers and IT management

Good to have Qualifications:
-Magento 1.x or 2.x experience
-Comunication and presentation skills

How to apply:
Send an e-mail to [email protected]
Resume(CV) written in English is a must
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