Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Maj 07 2024 03:23

Канцелариски простор во Тафталиџе со прекрасен поглед


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Publikuar: Maj 07 03:23
Shikime: 4
Се изнајмува стан опремен со канцелариски мебел (бироа, фотелји, диспензери за хартија и сапун во тоалет, диспензер за ладна и топла вода, микробранова печка, кафемат) со две простории: една океан и друга или конференциска сала или засебна канцеларија, по Ваша желба. Капацитет: до 8 лица. Има целосно опремена кујна.
Во цената е вклучена и претплата за оптички интернет.
Комуналиите не се вклучени во цената.
Паркингот е слободен околу зградата.
Локацијата е погодна поради тоа што има многу бизниси во околината.
Станот има западна ориентација, се грее со градско парно и има два клима уреди за ладење.
Кат: 10/10 (мансарда/пентхаус)
Сопствен паркинг: нема
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Deixis Translations

Established in 2012, DEIXIS was initially just your basic translation agency. Over the years, our team of professionals and business have grown and adapted, and we now offer a set of turnkey business solutions to our clients in the medical, financial, information technology, automotive, and media industries. Offering a full suite of creative services, starting with translation and interpreting, to transcreation and localization, all the way to event planning and project management, we are the perfect boutique company for you, where large-scale best business practices are intertwined with our personal touch.

DEIXIS is a company dedicated not just to providing high-quality creative solutions in order to meet and exceed client expectations, but we also strive toward continuous development and improvement of processes and business operations within the company, as well as in our professional relationships with freelancers.

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Established in 2012, DEIXIS was initially just your basic translation agency. Over the years, our team of professionals and business have grown and adapted, and we now offer a set of turnkey business solutions to our clients in the medical, financial, information technology, automotive, and media industries. Offering a full suite of creative services, starting with translation and interpreting, to transcreation and localization, all the way to event planning and project management, we are the perfect boutique company for you, where large-scale best business practices are intertwined with our personal touch.

DEIXIS is a company dedicated not just to providing high-quality creative solutions in order to meet and exceed client expectations, but we also strive toward continuous development and improvement of processes and business operations within the company, as well as in our professional relationships with freelancers.

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