Оглас од претпријатие Објавени: апр. 26 2023 02:11

Hip Petrol ima potreba od kelner

Објавени: апр. 26 02:11
Прегледи: 37
Корпорацијата ХИБ Петрол, лидер во областа на продажба на нафтени деривати, ресторани и маркети, отвора конкурс за пополнување на слободни работни места за Новиот пункт во Скопје.

Задачи и одговорности:

Да ги дочека и да ги поздрави гостите;
Да ги информира гостите за менито и да препорачува по потреба;
Да направи нарачката и да ја служи нарачаната храна и пијалоци;
Во секое време да се осигура дека гостите се задоволни со услугата и да одговори професионално на секое нивно барање
Да ја даде фискалната сметка и да изврши наплата на истата;
Да изврши проверка на сите простории на ресторанот, и да се увери дека се уредни и чисти.
Да изврши дополнителни задачи кои се потребни за ефикасно работење на пицеријата.
Да прифати дополнителни одговорности и задачи од раководителите на пицеријата.


Да има завршено средно образование, предност има со угостителско образование;
Најмалку 1 година работно искуство;
Да е соработлив и колегијален;
Амбициозен за работа;
Да нема законски пречки за работа

Сите заинтересирани кандидати за овие работни позиции можат да аплицират со пратење на апликацијата и T CV-то:

Онлајн: преку веб-страната: http://hibpetrol.com/mundesi-punesimi/ или контактират на бројот 071/229-510.


Detyrat dhe përgjegjësitë:

T’i mirëpres dhe përshëndet mysafirët;
T’i informojë mysafirët rreth menysë dhe të bëjë rekomandime sipas nevojës;
Të merr porosinë si dhe të servojë ushqimin dhe pijet e kërkuara;
Të sigurohet gjatë gjithë kohës që mysafirët të jenë të kënaqur me shërbimin si dhe të përgjigjet në mënyrë profesionale ndaj çdo kërkese të tyre;
Të prezantojë kuponin fiskal si dhe të bëjë pagesat;
Të sigurohet që të gjitha hapësirat e restorantit janë të rregulluara dhe të pastruara
T’i përfundojë detyrat shtesë që janë të nevojshme për një funksionim efikas të punës së picerisë.
Të jetë në gjendje të pranojë përgjegjësi dhe detyra shtesë që i caktohen nga Udhëheqësit e picerisë.

Të ketë përfunduar shkollimin e mesëm, përparësi me shkollim hoteleri;
Të këtë përvojë pune së paku 1 vit;
Të jetë bashkëpunues dhe kolegial;
Të jëtë ambicioz për punë;
Mos të ketë pengesa ligjore për punë

Të gjithë kandidatët e interesuar për këto pozita mund të aplikojnë duke dërguar aplikacionin dhe CV
Online: permes web faqës: http://hibpetrol.com/mundesi-punesimi/ ose duke kontaktuar në numirn 071/229-510.
Опис на линк


‘HIB Petrol’ is a company that deals with the transportation and sale of petroleum products throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. The beginnings of the company date back to 1992 when HIB Petrol first started a local business in Ferizaj with a small fuel station alongside of which a restaurant and a mini marked functioned as well, due to our dedication and tireless work over the years we have managed to be present at 23 selling points in 13 cities of Kosovo and 1 selling point in Skopje, North Macedonia and have about 1000+ individuals as staff.

Qualitative products and services, social responsibility and integrity are the fundamental virtues of our corporate philosophy which have given us favorable time to enjoy the success of a market leader in petroleum market in Kosovo. Working in a challenging market has not always been easy which is why HIB Petrol has set high standards for quality, performance and ethical business behavior. The principals of our company are based on promoting trust, teamwork and professionalism.

We strongly believe that quality is not a luxury but a fundamental right, a concept which has pushed us into bringing the best possible quality of derivate and into testing the imported derivate in the laboratories with the highest standards for such services. The operating strategy limiting zero mistakes has been developed and defined in the Quality Manual and apart from Quality Manual framework we function under the framework of ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard as well as ISO 14001 for Environmental Management.

The desire and willingness for qualitative products has pushed us into signing the contract with the world giants which allows us the import and sale of:Super Unleaded 100 Ron Power, Euro Super 95, Euro Diesel 100 PPM, Euro Diesel 10 PPM Power.

HIB Petrol has also developed a project for “Social and Environmental Review” by IFC. In the framework of this project we have been provided with the OHAS 18001 certificate for Health and Safety Management System.

Besides being a business making company, HIB Petrol is committed to constantly contributing in sustainable economic and social development by lowering the unemployment rates, providing financial support to carefully chosen organizations and football teams such as “Ferizaj” and Kosovan/Albanian national team on important matches.

Tireless work over the years has been rewarded several times, besides the endless trust from our customers HIB Petrol has been announced for three years in a row as the biggest taxpayer in the Republic of Kosovo. In addition to that we have won many awards and prizes including here QUDAL- Price for quality and TUV-certification for technical inspection, and last but not least we are licensed by MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) for the import, retail sale and whole sale of petroleum products and are also a member of the Kosovo Chamber of Commers, the American Chamber and the German Chamber. On top of this we have managed to have close partnership with various local and international institutions such as: World Bank, the American Embassy in Kosovo, Bulgarian Embassy, the Norwegian Embassy, Turkish Embassy, the Embassy of Montenegro, the BL Halbert INT, the International Management Group, Europe Council, OSCE, UN FAO, UN HABITAT, UN WOMEN, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF,UNMIK, UNOPS, USAID, WFWI, World Health Organization, Kosovo Assembly, Central Election Comission, Prime Minister’s of Kosovo Office, Kosovo Police, Kosovo Intelligence Agency, National Audit Office, Trainkos, Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, TEB Bank, ProCredit Bank, Kosovo Correctional Service, State Prosecutor, KEDS, Privatization Agency of Kosovo, Kosovo Competition Authority, Tax Administration of Kosovo, BPB, Caritas Kosovo, Caritas Umbria, FINCA, etc.

Посети ја страната на нашата продавница

ул.Јадранска магистрала, с.Визбегово бр.86-б Прикажи на мапата



Доколку овој оглас ги прекршува Правилата на Огласување или Тргувај безбедно


‘HIB Petrol’ is a company that deals with the transportation and sale of petroleum products throughout the territory of the Republic of Kosovo. The beginnings of the company date back to 1992 when HIB Petrol first started a local business in Ferizaj with a small fuel station alongside of which a restaurant and a mini marked functioned as well, due to our dedication and tireless work over the years we have managed to be present at 23 selling points in 13 cities of Kosovo and 1 selling point in Skopje, North Macedonia and have about 1000+ individuals as staff.

Qualitative products and services, social responsibility and integrity are the fundamental virtues of our corporate philosophy which have given us favorable time to enjoy the success of a market leader in petroleum market in Kosovo. Working in a challenging market has not always been easy which is why HIB Petrol has set high standards for quality, performance and ethical business behavior. The principals of our company are based on promoting trust, teamwork and professionalism.

We strongly believe that quality is not a luxury but a fundamental right, a concept which has pushed us into bringing the best possible quality of derivate and into testing the imported derivate in the laboratories with the highest standards for such services. The operating strategy limiting zero mistakes has been developed and defined in the Quality Manual and apart from Quality Manual framework we function under the framework of ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard as well as ISO 14001 for Environmental Management.

The desire and willingness for qualitative products has pushed us into signing the contract with the world giants which allows us the import and sale of:Super Unleaded 100 Ron Power, Euro Super 95, Euro Diesel 100 PPM, Euro Diesel 10 PPM Power.

HIB Petrol has also developed a project for “Social and Environmental Review” by IFC. In the framework of this project we have been provided with the OHAS 18001 certificate for Health and Safety Management System.

Besides being a business making company, HIB Petrol is committed to constantly contributing in sustainable economic and social development by lowering the unemployment rates, providing financial support to carefully chosen organizations and football teams such as “Ferizaj” and Kosovan/Albanian national team on important matches.

Tireless work over the years has been rewarded several times, besides the endless trust from our customers HIB Petrol has been announced for three years in a row as the biggest taxpayer in the Republic of Kosovo. In addition to that we have won many awards and prizes including here QUDAL- Price for quality and TUV-certification for technical inspection, and last but not least we are licensed by MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) for the import, retail sale and whole sale of petroleum products and are also a member of the Kosovo Chamber of Commers, the American Chamber and the German Chamber. On top of this we have managed to have close partnership with various local and international institutions such as: World Bank, the American Embassy in Kosovo, Bulgarian Embassy, the Norwegian Embassy, Turkish Embassy, the Embassy of Montenegro, the BL Halbert INT, the International Management Group, Europe Council, OSCE, UN FAO, UN HABITAT, UN WOMEN, UNDP, UNHCR, UNICEF,UNMIK, UNOPS, USAID, WFWI, World Health Organization, Kosovo Assembly, Central Election Comission, Prime Minister’s of Kosovo Office, Kosovo Police, Kosovo Intelligence Agency, National Audit Office, Trainkos, Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo, TEB Bank, ProCredit Bank, Kosovo Correctional Service, State Prosecutor, KEDS, Privatization Agency of Kosovo, Kosovo Competition Authority, Tax Administration of Kosovo, BPB, Caritas Kosovo, Caritas Umbria, FINCA, etc.



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