Оглас од претпријатие Објавени: јан. 10 2023 12:11

Rent a car agent

Објавени: јан. 10 12:11
Прегледи: 37
ALFA Rent A Car со локација на шалтер во Меѓународен Аеродром Скопје има потреба од рент а кар агенти кои ќе се придружат на нашиот тим.

Одговорности на работното место се:

-Следење на резервации;

-Издавање на понуди;

-Издавање на возила;

-Одржување на возила (регистрација, подигнување на нови возила, носење на возилата во перална и сервис...);

-Комуникација со клиенти и брокери;

Потребни квалификации:

-Одлично познавање на англиски јазик (познавање и на други јазици ќе се смета за мала предност);

-Основни компјутерски вештини;

-Возачка дозвола;

-Професионален однос кон клиенти;

-Добри комуникациски вештини.


-Обезбеден превоз до и од работното место;

-Месечни бонуси во зависност од постигнатиот резултат.

-Можност за напредок во нашата компанија.

Мала предност ќе имаат кандидатите кои се со работно искуство во туристичко-угостителскиот сектор.

Доколку сте заинтересирани за оваа работна позиција ве молиме пратете CV на ana_kominovska@yahoo.com

Ви благодариме за интересот!
Опис на линк

Alfa Rent

At Alfa Rent a Car Macedonia, our mission and company goal are deeply rooted in principles of inclusion, diversity, and meeting our client's needs.

With years of experience in the car rental industry in Macedonia, we have learned that success is shaped by our vision for the future, not solely by our current circumstances. What began as a humble venture in Bitola has blossomed over the last 18 years into a renowned rental car brand with a strong presence in three locations across North Macedonia. 

Today, we proudly offer a diverse fleet of over 220 new vehicles available for rent in our offices at Skopje International Airport, Ohrid Airport, and Bitola downtown. Our team consists of 20 dedicated employees and skilled subcontractors, all driven by strong-willed personalities and a tenacious work ethic. We foster a close-knit and supportive work environment, where every member feels valued and empowered to be their best selves. This spirit of cooperation and camaraderie has translated into success for our team and earned us the loyalty of a cherished clientele, some of whom have been with us from the very beginning. Together, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring memorable experiences for all our clients. 

At Alfa Rent a Car, we believe in looking ahead, growing from our roots, and continually striving to exceed expectations. We are excited about the journey ahead, and we invite you to be a part of it. Thank you for choosing Alfa Rent – Your trusted car rental company in Macedonia.

Посети ја страната на нашата продавница
Доколку овој оглас ги прекршува Правилата на Огласување или Тргувај безбедно


At Alfa Rent a Car Macedonia, our mission and company goal are deeply rooted in principles of inclusion, diversity, and meeting our client's needs.

With years of experience in the car rental industry in Macedonia, we have learned that success is shaped by our vision for the future, not solely by our current circumstances. What began as a humble venture in Bitola has blossomed over the last 18 years into a renowned rental car brand with a strong presence in three locations across North Macedonia. 

Today, we proudly offer a diverse fleet of over 220 new vehicles available for rent in our offices at Skopje International Airport, Ohrid Airport, and Bitola downtown. Our team consists of 20 dedicated employees and skilled subcontractors, all driven by strong-willed personalities and a tenacious work ethic. We foster a close-knit and supportive work environment, where every member feels valued and empowered to be their best selves. This spirit of cooperation and camaraderie has translated into success for our team and earned us the loyalty of a cherished clientele, some of whom have been with us from the very beginning. Together, we are committed to delivering exceptional service and ensuring memorable experiences for all our clients. 

At Alfa Rent a Car, we believe in looking ahead, growing from our roots, and continually striving to exceed expectations. We are excited about the journey ahead, and we invite you to be a part of it. Thank you for choosing Alfa Rent – Your trusted car rental company in Macedonia.



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