Shpallja e kompanisë Publikuar: Jan 16 2020 04:26

Dvosoben stan vo Centar


Publikuar: Jan 16 04:26
Shikime: 17

Prodavame 2-soben stan vo Centar na prizemje idealen za ordinacija ili kancelarija, so dve posebni prostorii, hodnik, kupatilo,gradsko parno, resetki na prozorite, so prostor nadvor koj moze da se koristi samo od ovoj stan.

Cena: 47.000 EUR
Përshkrimi i linkut

Dom Lux Real Estate

Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.
Vizitoni faqen e dyqanit tonë

Partizanski odredi 17/2-6


nëse ky njoftim prish Rregullat e Publikimit ose Shkëmbim i sigurtë


Real Estate Agency - *Dom  Lux* from Skopje- started with real estate business activity in May 2000. Therefore, the Company has long-time experience, established position on the market and presently specializes in renting apartments and houses in Skopje to employees of embassies and international corporations that it has had long-term relations with.
Partizanski odredi 17/2-6 070378932

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