Publikuar: Pri 28 2017 10:06

Hyundai Santa Fe


Publikuar: Pri 28 10:06
Shikime: 13

The United Nations Development Programme in Skopje offers its official vehicle for sale

Канцеларијата за Развој на Обединетите Нации во Скопје, го огласува своето службено возило за продажба

Model of vehicle: HUYNDAI (ROK) Santa Fe; Diesel 4WD 2.0 CRDi GLS
Car plates: MK-101-CD -12,
Vehicle ID number: KMHSC81VP5U020621
Year of production: 2004
Odometer reading: 212.000 km

Please note that the vehicle will be available for inspection as follows:
3rd May; 4th May and 5th May 2017 (Tuesday - Friday) from 10:00-13:00hrs
in front of the UNDP office in Skopje,
Str. Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov Dzinot 23, Skopje

The car will be sold on an “as is” basis, thus UNDP is not liable for malfunctions once the vehicle is sold. UNDP office reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No test drives are allowed.

The car will be sold on an “as is” basis, thus UNDP is not liable for malfunctions once the vehicle is sold. UNDP office reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No test drives are allowed.
The car was bought new by UNDP, and currently is in non-working condition due to oil leakage and mixing oil with water and without battery.

Payment for the vehicles must be made on UNDP bank account before delivery, within 7 days.

We would welcome bids in MKD. The current government regulations exclude payment of tax and customs for this vehicle.
Starting bidding price is 167.000 MKD.

Bid submission:
Please submit your offer with personal data in a sealed envelope addressed to the following address, not later than 10:00hrs on 8th May 2017

Personal ID card number
e-mail address
Mobile phone
Offer in MKD

“Vehicle sale”
Do not open before 27th April 2017
Str. Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov Dzinot 23, Skopje
1000 Skopje

No bids will be accepted after the closing time specified. No public opening.
The best Offerer will be notified in writing.

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